
Before appointment

How to prepare for your piercing appointment?

-prepare your ID card; if the piercing is performed on a minor, it is obligatory to come with a legal guardian, and both must have their ID cards with them
-eat well, come well rested, and keep yourself hydrated (specially in the hot summer days, when our bodies tend to swell more, which can also influence initial piercing swelling as well) – this will make the whole piercing experience more pleasant and less uncomfortable
-we will not perform a piercing if a person is under influence of alcohol or any kind of narcotics; is pregnant, or breastfeeding
-we do not recommend swimming in any kind of fresh water/pools/sea for the first minimum of 6-8 weeks, which might be good to take in consideration
-think about the placement of your piercing, you can always book a free consultation appointment where we can discuss an individuals anatomy and possible jewelry options


What to expect on your piercing appointment?

-we in Renesansa love to take time for each customer and provide best service possible, which is why it is obligatory to book an appointment for every piercing service (also for jewelry changing, downsizing and consultations)
-the piercing appointment usually takes around 1 hour for a single piercing appointment
-first we check an individuals anatomy and see if the piercing is possible to perform as wanted; then we choose from the variety of jewelry options that we have in our studio; after that, the chosen jewelry is set to sterilization, and in the meantime you will get the aftercare instructions; then we will sterilize the tissue, and in communication with you mark the perfect spot for your piercing; the piercing procedure is the shortest one and is finished within seconds; then the only thing left is to look amazing and share it with the rest of the world


Age limit for piercings:

Earlobes – 6 years

Other types of ear cartlige piercings, nose piercings, navel piercing – 15 years

Other facial piercings, Nipple piercing, tongue piercing, genital piercings – 18 years


– Apply warm saltwater compresses twice daily for about 10 minutes. Press a glass with warm saltwater solution onto the piercing area to create a vacuum. Some areas are easier to treat with a tissue (free from color or perfume) or gauze soaked in saltwater solution. A fresh piercing secretes lymph that dilutes with compresses or water before removal. Do not pick at it with nails. It’s also important to thoroughly wash hands before touching or cleaning the piercing. It is recommended to rinse it for two minutes each morning and evening during showers or facial cleansing, to remove cosmetic residues (shampoo, soap…).
– Octenisept spray or Dermospray should be used with increased sweating, if the piercing comes into contact with dirty hands, bodily secretions, animal hair, or the formation of other mechanical stimuli. Antiseptic sprays should not be used more than 4-5 times a day as they can dry out the skin, causing redness, stinging, and other types of irritation.

– In the beginning: slight bleeding, local swelling, oversensitivity, and possible minor bruising.
– During healing: slight discoloration, itching, secretion of yellow fluid forming a crust on the jewelry. The tissue may grow stronger around the jewelry, making its movement difficult. Do not force anything as it may irritate the piercing and prolong the healing time.
– After healing, the jewelry will become easy to move. If this doesn’t happen, continue cleaning the piercing as part of your regular routine. There may be a natural secretion with an unpleasant odor.
– Sometimes, the piercing might give the false impression that the healing process is complete. This is because healing occurs from the outside in, so even if it looks somewhat okay, the tissue inside the piercing might still be sensitive. Be patient and continue caring for it in your daily routine until complete healing.
– Even after the healing process is finished, it’s possible for the piercing hole to close within a few minutes, even after many years. This varies from person to person, and if you like the piercing, we recommend wearing jewelry all the time.

– Use of betadine, alcohol- and hydrogen-containing substances, soaps containing peeling agents, and other products harmful to skin cells. Avoid oil-based cosmetics that inhibit “breathing of the skin.”
– Unnecessary piercing irritation caused by uncomfortable and tight clothing, and “playing with the jewelry.”
– Picking, twisting, removing, or changing the jewelry during wound healing. This can lead to a longer healing process, scarring, and other complications.
– Being in pools, saunas, lakes, or streams (if engaged in sports involving exposure to any of the above, waterproof plaster is recommended).
– Contact with animal hair, saliva, perfumes, and other bodily secretions (saliva, semen, blood, sweat), self-tanning cream, makeup, peeling, hair dye, etc. Clean with q-tips, cotton swabs, or cotton pads.
– Sharing a clean towel with others.
– Use of opiates, excessive consumption of coffee, nicotine, and alcohol.
– Attaching pendants before the piercing is fully healed.
– Removing the jewelry if the piercing site is inflamed to prevent closure of the piercing hole and the spread of inflammation beneath the skin’s surface.

NAVEL – It is recommended to cover the piercing area around the navel with gauze if wearing clothes that might cause irritation.
NIPPLES – It is recommended to wear snug tops or sports bras for extra support and comfort, especially while sleeping.
GENITAL PIERCING – Unprotected sexual intercourse should be avoided. Use cloth pads, intimate wash in the morning and evening. Rinse off soap thoroughly with plenty of water. Use baby wipes after using the restroom. Avoid excessive use of wet wipes to maintain the pH balance of the mucous membranes. If the piercing goes through the urethra, it’s important to urinate after showering to remove soap residues and disinfectants from the urethra and prevent irritation. All sexual activities should be gentle during the healing period to avoid damage. After intercourse, thoroughly clean the piercing area and any saltwater compresses. Wash hands thoroughly before touching the piercing. It is strictly prohibited to use saliva as a lubricant.

EAR AND FACIAL PIERCINGS – Mandatory daily change of pillowcase (the pillow can also be covered with a T-shirt that is also changed daily). Do not rest your mobile phone on a fresh piercing. It is mandatory to wear a hat under the helmet. Be careful when combing hair and inform your hairdresser about the fresh piercing.

CARE OF ORAL PIERCINGS – Rinse the mouth with sugar-free sage or propolis mouthwash, saltwater solution, or Octenisept spray, and rinse with water. Rinse the mouth after each meal or cigarette to avoid accumulation of food residues or nicotine. Use a new toothbrush. Avoid toothpaste with bleaching agents, spicy food, hot drinks, carbonated beverages, alcohol, drugs, kissing, and unprotected oral sex. If using mouthwash, it must be alcohol-free, diluted with 2/3 water and 1/3 mouthwash, maximum 3 times a day. For swelling, NSAID drugs (ibuprofen) can be used the day after, but avoid tablets containing Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) which can cause bleeding. It is recommended to sleep with the head elevated (two pillows) and drink plenty of water; this reduces swelling and accelerates healing. Oral piercings always swell, and the swelling disappears after 8-10 days. Pain decreases after 3-4 days. Biting nails, using other people’s utensils and glasses, putting hair, writing instruments, or glasses in the mouth, sharing lipstick or lip balm with others, chewing gum, and using snus are prohibited.